Once you get into a great college you have to pay for it. Use these resources to begin learning more about how financial aid can help make college affordable for you. Be sure to visit the college's Financial Aid website for more specific details regarding financial aid eligibility and requirements.
The U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid provides grants, loans, and work-study opportunities to eligible students attending participating colleges or career schools. Federal Student Aid is the largest source of financial aid in the U.S. For further information and an online application, visit StudentAid.gov or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center toll-free: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243). TTY for the hearing-impaired: 1-800-730-8913.
Net Price is the amount you will pay to attend college for one year after scholarships and grants are considered. Your Net Price may be different for each college and so be sure to visit their website and use their Net Price Calculator to see what students like you have paid to attend that particular college. Visit the college's website or the Net Price Calculator Center to find a particular college's Net Price Calculator.
Fee waivers are forms available to students who may not have the financial resources to pay examination fees or the application fee to apply to college. Visit the college's website to determine fee waiver eligibility and the options available to you. You can also visit the sites below for more information on fee waivers.
Not all colleges require standardized test scores for admission, however, it is important to understand the college's testing policy before you apply. You can learn more about the college's testing policy on their website or in the Required Tests section on their UCA℠ page.
Have a question about the UCA or how to complete part of the application process online? Visit the support site for a searchable Knowledgebase of frequently asked questions, or submit a Ticket and a UCA team member will get back to you promptly.
Visit Support SiteHave you forgotten your password or wish to have your password reset? Follow the link below, enter your account email address, and press 'Send me reset instructions' to have a password reset email sent to your email inbox.
Reset Your PasswordWhether you are applying for first year or transfer admission, the first step is to create a Universal College Application® account. Once you create your account, complete your Profile, and add colleges to your 'My Colleges' list to begin applying.
Register as an ApplicantIf you are a high school or college professional, create an account to begin the recommendation process. Once you create your account, complete your Profile, and follow the link in the recommendation request email to begin the recommendation process.
Register as a RecommenderWhether you are an applicant or a recommender, login to your Universal College Application account at any time to continue the application or recommendation process. If you do not remember your password, follow the link above to have a new one sent to you.
Login to Your AccountVisit the Colleges page to learn more about the 1 colleges who accept the Universal College Application. From here you can view the unique deadlines and admission requirements for each college. You may even learn about colleges that you were not initially considering.
Learn About CollegesPlease note that we are not a college. If you have specific questions for the colleges or wish to send attachments directly to the colleges, please contact them. Contact information for colleges can be found at universalcollegeapp.com/schools.
Please complete the following form and click the 'Send Message' button. For an immediate answer, please visit the support site.